Tuesday 28 December 2010

We Are Scientists celebrated their album "Brain, Thrust, Mastery"

We Are Scientists celebrated their album "Brain, Thrust, Mastery".
We Are Scientists band are popular, performance at Radio 1's Big Weekend - tickets sold to the music event in Europe located a different location just like a unique each year in the UK.

Wednesday 22 December 2010

We Are Scientists: On The Stage In Oslo Live

We are Scientists and Oslo are in cool night (in fact minus 16 degrees) in town. As Chris Cain wanders through the tiny bar of Bla, he informs us before disappearing off to join the other scientists backstage that “Crazy shit is about to happen tonight”.

We Are Scientists enter the stage after 20 minutes in utter darkness. His first album 'Nice Guys' and their latest album 'Barbara' which has real energy to it their song thrown in for good measure. 'Scene is Dead' of the night gets one of the best responses and it’s good to see it back on the set list after a very long time without it.

Chris tells at the concert the audience. “You can sit behind us, stand on the stage, do whatever you want.”

We Are Scientists there something better. You can’t help but love them partly due to their infective guitar riffs and partly due to their delicious harm. Until they are return hopefully it won't be hard.

Friday 10 December 2010

Gig review of We Are Scientists

We Are Scientists, one member of this member I was going to open this bit with funny quote during their concert at Leed Metropolitan University.

Californian rockers such a nature that is very comfortable to forget at the moment the best indie-rock bands around.

We are scientists band's song Barbara release from this year the biggest cheers though, came for tracks off their breakthrough debut record, With Love and Squalor. With songs such as ‘This Scene Is Dead’, ‘Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt’, and ‘It’s A Hit’ standing out.

Members of We Are Scientists out from other bands in their scene is the in between song kid Murray and Cain have. So naturally funny they are together.